Sunday 5 July 2015

Shining Falls Lodge day 3 (2015-07-05)

For our first 2 nights Marlene and I enjoyed the luxury of an 8-bunk cabin to ourselves, but additional guests are checking in today, so our first task this morning was to move our stuff into Marlene's Mom's cabin, where we will have the top bunks above Mom and Nick. 

The morning was a little foggy, so the floatplane did not arrive as early as planned, so we actually could have moved after breakfast. Oh well....  Breakfast was pancakes, bacon and eggs, another great meal. 

The fishing plan for today was to catch Pike, which are all catch and release.  Nick did great, catching 5 Pike and a Walleye, Marlene caught 1 Pike, and I caught nothing at all. So much for Pike. 

Another great shore lunch, this time on an island close to the lodge - Walleye fish and chips, salad and beans, but this time with a different view.

Over lunch, Art regaled us with tales of his large Pike that got away, but luckily I got a photo of it. 

In the afternoon we ventured a little further afield, to aptly named "Nipple Rock", a round rock with a smaller round rock on top. But the fishing was lousy, so we returned to some of our more productive spots, and were rewarded with many Walleye, but all got released. I won the prize for the fastest lure drop to fish on line time.

Our final dinner was steak, double baked potatoes and broccoli, with cheesecake for desert. Tonight Marlene was special and had fish instead of steak.  We then got together for a group photo, watched a few videos taken by the younger family members, and now, it is time to turn in, as we have to be up at 5:30 am for our floatplane trip back to Bissett.  Maybe we will fogged in....

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