Sunday, 15 May 2016

Home Again (2016-05-15)

We have been back in Canada for a month now, and home for 3 weeks, but I have heard a few comments that my postings just stopped, so thought that I should wrap up the New Zealand trip with one last post.
Our last few days in New Zealand were spent with my sisters, talking walking, and doing a few little projects - tree trimming and replacing some rotted wood near Margaret's front door, and a last few Windows 10 lessons for Margaret.  But leaving was still difficult....we were ready to come home, but not ready to leave.  But we are already planning next year's visit.
The trip home was uneventful, with both flights on time.  The photo below does not really do it justice, but we were blessed with one last New Zealand sunset as we flew north from Wellington to Auckland.
Our Last New Zealand Sunset
We arrived back in Vancouver on the Wednesday afternoon, and by Thursday morning Norm and Heather had set off for a short holiday in Uclulet, leaving us jet-lagged with two young grandchildren.  But somehow we survived, and even enjoyed the annual nature walk and salmon release in a local Delta park on the Sunday.  The grandkids loved it as they each got to release several buckets of young salmon into the creek, and watch them swim away.
So now we are back home, have caught up on most of the things that just have to be done right now, Marlene's Mom has had her hip replacement surgery and is recuperating at home, so life is almost back to normal.
Friday was a beautiful day, so we rode our bikes down to Rathtrevor Park and back.  The views toward the mainland and the coast mountains were amazing.  When we have scenery like this at home, why do we travel.
The Coast Mountains from Rathtrevor Beach
We have no other international travel planned for this year, but possibly a road trip in the summer.  Stay tuned....

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