Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Today was a relatively quiet work day, so by 10:30 AM we were on the trail of those elusive mushrooms.  It was a cooler day today, low 20s, with quite strong southwesterly gusts, so very pleasant for hiking.

It took about an hour and a half to get back to where we had seen the mushrooms on Sunday, and although they were not overly abundant, we did find enough to eat for dinner tonight.  What we need is some rain to go along with this warm weather, to generate a better crop, but unfortunately there is none in the ten day forecast.

After harvesting the day's mushroom crop, we sat on a log beside the trail and ate a picnic lunch, before heading back down the trail into town.

In town we bought tickets for Opera in the Park on Saturday night, checked out the cafe at the Suter Art Gallery (great lunch items, but more on that another day), and grabbed a few groceries before heading back to our apartment.

So, another 20,000+ step day, and a successful day's foraging....not bad.

Happy Valentine's Day to all!!


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